What others have to say.

I came to see Dr. DelFavero for IT band Syndrome that developed while training for a half-marathon. I had already gone through four weeks of physical therapy but was not back to running yet and was still feeling pain in my knees. I had several friends recommend the doctors at Atlanta Sports Chiro, and while I will admit I was skeptical of seeing a chiropractor for my IT band issue, it turned out to be the best thing I could have done.
I saw Dr. DelFavero for several sessions where he performed ART (Active Release Technique) and Graston on my IT bands and I was soon running pain-free again. I have had other issues with my legs come up since then that other doctors have missed, but Dr. DelFavero has been persistent with treating my injuries and helping me get back to participating in triathlons.
Dr. DelFavero is extremely knowledgeable and I have always felt like I am in very good hands when he is treating me. He has such a great personality and always makes me laugh, even when he’s working on my legs. I have referred him to several people in my triathlon club because he does an excellent job with sports-related injuries. As an athlete himself, Dr. DelFavero understands what it’s like for us to be injured and how we just want to get back out there as soon as possible. I am very happy that I found Atlanta Sports Chiro and Dr. DelFavero and thanks to him I am back up and running. The staff at the office is also amazing – they are so flexible and are always happy to work you into the schedule.
Meredith Stein

In 2005, after too much heavy yard work and long keyboard sessions at work, I developed what my doctor thought was tendonitis (golfer’s elbow). Since then, I went to five orthopedic surgeons, five physical therapists, two acupuncturists and two massage therapists and spent a lot of money looking for some answers. I found little golfers elbow relief and was about to give up hope of ever being able to perform simple tasks around the house and at work without pain.
Then a friend made a casual suggestion about trying her sports chiropractor, Dr. Nik Delfavero. After one hour with Dr. DelFavero, I had a new diagnosis of “thoracic outlet syndrome.” After 10 treatments and a new exercise program, my pain was greatly reduced and I can work around the yard and on the job with much less discomfort. With more exercise, I look forward to a return to 100 percent. I’ll never take my health for granted again, and I’ll always be grateful to Dr. DelFavero.
Jennings Fort, Atlanta, GA
During my three years as assistant conductor of the Atlanta Symphony, I found that my busy conducting schedule left me with intense rotator cuff pain that required continual management with anti-Inflammatories. I consulted an orthopedic surgeon who suggested surgery but I desperately wanted to find a non-surgical alternative. I heard about Dr. DelFavero from a couple of musicians in the Atlanta Symphony and, despite my skepticism about chiropractics, I went for a visit. Before leaving his office that day I was lifting my arm with minimal pain. Six weeks later, after multiple visits and doing strengthening exercises at home, I was able to conduct two intense weeks of rehearsals and concerts normally and with only occasional use of anti-inflammatories. Three months later, I was symptom free and have remained so.
The second issue Dr. DelFavero helped me with was a wrist problem that ended my first career as a violinist. I had struggled with deQuervain’s tendonitis for 20 years and, given the success of his work with my shoulder, I asked Dr. DelFavero to treat my wrist. Eleven years before I had had an unsuccessful wrist surgery which only exacerbated some internal scar tissue from the years of inflammation. This scaring left me with restricted range of motion in my wrist and I had been told repeatedly by medical professionals that the problem was permanent. However, after a few treatments with Dr. DelFavero, I had nearly the full range of motion in my wrist restored for the first time in 15 years. I had tried zillions of therapies from Western and Eastern medicine over the years as well as many types of massage, but none of them produced the results Dr. DelFavero achieved. I found my rotator cuff syndrome relief !
In my experience, medical professionals with Dr. DelFavero’s knowledge, insight, and skill are rare and I am so grateful for my colleagues’ recommendation that brought me to his office.”
Laura Jackson, Atlanta, GA
(Editors Note: Ms. Jackson is now with the Reno Philharmonic Symphony.)
Some doctors are great because they know the science of medicine. Some doctors are great because they understand the art of medicine. Dr. Nik DelFavero at Atlanta Sports Chiro blends the two perfectly which is a rare find. He really understands the body so I nicknamed him “The Body Whisperer“.
Dr. DelFavero navigated me through a clavicle sprain that other doctors could not diagnose. This type of injury put me in unfamiliar territory. He gave me exercise guidelines so I could still exercise but with modifications to prevent aggravating or making my injury worse. His Active Release Techniques reduced the pain and helped it heal. Dr. DelFavero was recommended to me be a coworker who found many people singing his praises on a triathlete message board and I highly recommend him as well.
Thank you for your attention to detail and dedication to your craft.
Kelly S. Atlanta, GA
On June 9, 2015, I fell in a bathtub on a business trip in Houston, Texas. I broke my left shoulder and tore the left rotator cuff underneath the break. It was a nightmare fall.
In the beginning, only the broken shoulder was diagnosed. The doctor immediately wrote a prescription for physical therapy. He said I had to do everything possible to overcome the frozen shoulder caused from the break. I struggled day and night with excruciating pain, which intensified during and after physical therapy treatments. During the next five months, I continued to travel with my job. I had to do all lifting with the right side of my body or ask other people in the restaurant to lift heavy equipment for me if I could not manage with the right arm and side of my body.
It was even difficult to lift my left arm and shoulder to drive my car or open the door of the car. The physical therapists stretched and pulled my left broken shoulder and arm in all kinds of positions as I went back and forth and did the painful exercises that they prescribed. I continuously told the physical therapists that I was in excruciating pain and told my doctor that I was suffering with pain day and night. The doctor and the physical therapist told me that a shoulder break was one of the most painful breaks and that I would have to endure the pain of physical therapy in order to regain range of motion and strength.
I could not take the pain medication that I was prescribed because I was traveling, driving, and working very long hours. For those five months, I was either on the road working or attending my physical therapy sessions. For four months I did physical therapy two to three times per week with little or no improvement and increasing pain.
Even after the x-ray showed that the break had healed, I was still in excruciating pain and unable to sleep at night. I was exhausted from travel, working hours, the constant physical therapy, and the pain.
Without approval from Workers Comp, I decided to get an appointment at Atlanta Sports Chiro with Dr. Niklaus DelFavero. Dr. DelFavero took the time to listen to every detail and took extensive notes. His main concern was the cause of my pain since the shoulder had healed by this point. He asked very specific questions, and he carefully examined my left arm and left shoulder. The deep tissue fascial distortion and ART treatments that he performed on my left arm and left shoulder did relieve some of my pain. I shared this with my shoulder doctor, and he wrote a prescription that was approved by Workers Comp for Dr. DelFavero to continue treatments if it would help with pain relief and range of motion.
After the third treatment with Dr. DelFavero, I continued to share with him that I was still experiencing pain that would not allow me sleep through the night. Dr. DelFavero encouraged me to request a MRI arthrogram from my shoulder doctor. Based on Dr. DelFavero’s recommendation, my shoulder doctor ordered the MRI arthrogram. That test revealed a rotator cuff tear underneath the shoulder break area that would require surgery to repair.
If it had not been for Dr. DelFavero’s years of experience, his ability to pinpoint the cause and proper treatment of injury, I would still be suffering today.
I had the surgery in December, 2015, to repair the left rotator cuff tear and I began to see the light at the end of the tunnel. After the rotator cuff surgery, I continued with physical therapy, but they were never as successful as what Dr. DelFavero had done (fascial distortion and ART treatment).
The shoulder surgeon eventually prescribed more treatments from Dr. DelFavero, and those treatments definitely helped with range of motion and pain relief.
I also began to experience intense pain in my right elbow from overuse of the right side. My shoulder surgeon advised more treatments with Dr. DelFavero, and they proved to be so effective that I did not need to use all the treatments that had been approved.
Dr. DelFavero leads a team of professional, caring, highly effective staff, and I am certain that I would be suffering from constant pain if it had not been for Dr. DelFavero’s adept ability to diagnosis and properly treat my injuries. I give the highest recommendation possible for the treatment and care that I received from Dr. DelFavero and his staff.
Kristy Evans
My gratitude for Dr. Nik DelFavero and his piezowave therapy knows no bounds. His curiosity and drive to always be on the leading edge of how to help his patients allowed me to avoid surgery and get fully comfortable use of my right hand back. I am as good as new.
At Christmas 2015 my right thumb joints had such a level of arthritic pain that I was unable to even pick up a pen and write my name without discomfort much less turn a doorknob. A friend with a similar issue referred me to an orthopedic hand specialist. The orthopedist said, “well you aren’t ready for surgery yet, we will just give you a shot of cortisone and see you in six months.” Fortunately I have Dr. DelFavero, so I replied, “I think I will just try one more thing before I go down that route.”
Dr. D has fixed so many of my complaints and guided me through so many issues. When he recommended piezowave therapy, I had to try. Now, after only 8 sessions my hand is like I never had arthritis in those thumb joints and I am good to go with any activity, pain free.
Thank you Dr. DelFavero. You are a genius!
Martha Eskew
Dr. Nik DelFavero has earned my highest recommendation. In today’s health care environment, it is rare to find a healthcare professional so truly invested in his/her patients. Too often it seems the key to a doctor’s financial success is to see as many patients as possible, bill insurance companies as much as possible, and invest as little as possible on each patient visit. If I sound harsh, just recall your last doctor or hospital experience.
Dr. DelFavero is genuinely interested in the health and well-being of his patients. It is not just smoke and mirrors. I met Dr. D when he visited a health club to which I belonged. I was having knee pain that he addressed on the spot. His ability to critically assess a muscle-nerve problem was evident in about 10 minutes. As a result, I have been his patient for the last five years.
Over my years of treatment for all sorts of aliments involving my arms, shoulder, upper and lower back, legs, and neck, I have been impressed by his ability to aggressively seek new treatment modalities and original solutions to chronic problems. Traditional chiropractic adjustments are not the sole focus of the treatments available in his office. His knowledge and experience with soft tissue and facial manipulation sets him apart from his chiropractic colleagues. His search for knowledge of biomechanics and the underlying physiology of musculo-skeletal problems makes him unique in a city that seems filled with chiropractors.
But an office is only as good as its team and Atlanta Sports Chiro staff is as dedicated to the professional handling of your financial concerns as they are to solving your health challenges. The entire staff from the quarterback of the operation at the front desk, to the other therapists that work with Dr. DelFavero, and the technology that Dr. DelFavero employs, all make one feel you are in good hands. This is a practice that is staffed by professionals from top to bottom.
This recommendation is based on years of experience, not just a few visits. Over those years Dr. DelFavero has provided effective treatment, yet with each passing year he has gotten better at diagnosing and finding solutions to problems that stumped other physical therapists and orthopedists that I have seen. He does not just put a band-aid on the problem temporarily masking the pain. He seeks and treats the cause.
You will not find better chiropractors than Dr. DelFavero and his colleagues at Atlanta Sports Chiro. He is simply the best at what he does.
EO “Neil” Smith